On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…. A NEW HABIT!

by: Alan Kagan

With the holidays quickly approaching, many of us will begin that ‘tried and true’ tradition of coming up with a resolution to start our New Years’ off on the right foot. Typically, it’s something we’ve been neglecting (i.e., drinking more water, exercising, eating vegetables), and with these new resolutions we intend to ‘fix what’s broken’. Of course, whether we stick to those new habits is a whole other story! Some of us have a hard time following through and ultimately give up, but that’s not always the case. So how do people successfully stick to their New Year’s resolution, you ask?

According to an article on healthline.com, it takes an average of sixty-six days for a new behavior to become automatic? That number is daunting, I know! Instead, let’s break that number down into something a bit more manageable. As they often say, take ONE day at a time and don’t expect changes overnight. So in keeping with the holiday spirit, let’s try and tackle TWELVE days first.

·         Instead of ‘two turtledoves’, let’s try eating two servings of vegetables!

·         Forget ‘three French hens’, let’s try three sets of jumping jacks!

·         Who needs ‘five golden rings’ when you can have five 8oz servings of water!

On second thought don’t answer the one about five gold rings, but you get the point. Especially with us all in the midst of a pandemic with no sure ‘end-date’ in site, it is rather important that make an attempt to keep our resolutions intact, especially if it has to do with our health. The following are tips to help you stay on track, and motivated!

1.       Make sure your resolution is REALISTIC! The easiest way to fail is to make your resolution unattainable.

2.       Plan your resolution in advance, not last minute.

3.       Make an outline, and be sure to include possible negative temptations, any personal strengths, and friends or family you can count on for assistance.

4.       Talk about it! Make sure friends and family are aware to better support you.

5.       Track your progress! Short term goals are easy yet satisfying. Did you drink your daily recommended amount of water? Good Job!

6.       Stick to it! With every passing day, it should be easier and easier to make to make that new resolution a habit.

Sunday, December 20th will leave you exactly twelve days left in the month before the New Year. Plan now and start that NEW HABIT!



